"The Rebirth of Hyacinth" tells a story of creation through destruction, where pain and beauty coexist, reminding us that even in loss, there is an opportunity for rebirth and renewal.

“The Rebirth of Hyacinth” takes on the retelling of the tragic myth of Hyacinthus. Exploring the emotional spectrum of love, jealousy, and transformation through narrational progression, the collection begins with soft, ethereal fabrics in draped silhouettes, symbolizing the divine connection between Hyacinth, Apollo, and Zephyr. As the story darkens, structured silhouettes in leather and latex are introduced to represent the tension and tragedy that unfold. The final pieces, adorned with intricate motifs and textural embellishments, embody the metamorphosis and rebirth of Hyacinth into a blossom, a testament to the undying nature of memory.

Through this collection, I seek to explore the human capacity to love and to lose, to envy and to pain. All of these emotions can act as catalysts for the transformation of the psyche and the transcendence of the soul. The interplay of textures, from soft and flowing to rigid and architectural, mirrors the emotional highs and lows of the tale.